1. How to respond to reviewer comments effectively
After submitting your paper to the journal, preparing to deal with peer review is the next point of focus. Peer review is not the only thing that decides whether your manuscript will be accepted — your responses to peer review comments are even more critical to shaping this decision! While a “revise-and-resubmit” decision can be quite stressful for authors, responding effectively to peer review comments can be your sure gateway to publication success. This session shares a strategic approach to comprehensively respond to the requests of the peer reviewers and journal editor and thus trigger faster acceptance of your manuscript.
What you will learn :
- Gain an understanding of the journal decision-making process and the role of peer reviewers
- Learn about the types of decisions that require a response to reviewer comments
- Discover tips and strategies for effectively responding to peer reviewer comments
- Understand how to handle disagreements with suggested changes
- Learn how to address requests for major revisions
- Explore sample responses to reviewer comments for practical guidance
2. Coping with rejection
Rejection of scientific manuscripts is a very common experience for all researchers. Coping with rejection can be challenging, but it is an essential part of the research publishing process.
In this webinar, we will discuss strategies for coping with rejection and moving forward with your research.
What you will learn:
- Understanding rejection
- Dealing with initial emotions
- Addressing reviewers’ feedback: revising and resubmitting
- Choosing the right journal
1. 2024年6月11日(火)15:30-16:30 オンライン(Zoom)
2. 2024年6月18日(火)15:30-16:30 オンライン(Zoom)
Dr. Raffaella Gozzelino
(Group Leader at NOVA Medical School of Lisbon)
- 申込後に、受講用のZoom Meetingの情報をメールでお知らせします。自動送信ではありませんので、メールを差し上げるまでに時間がかかることがあります。ご了承ください。
- お申込みいただいた方には、1,2両方のミーティング情報をお知らせいたします。ご都合がつけば、両方ご参加いただけますと幸いです。
Workshop"How to respond to reviewer comments effectively""Coping with rejection" in English
1. 6/11/2024 15:30-16:30 online (Zoom)
2. 6/18/2024 15:30-16:30 online (Zoom)
Students and faculty members of the university
Dr. Raffaella Gozzelino
(Group Leader at NOVA Medical School of Lisbon)
How to apply
Fill in the application form外部リンク
- After application, details of Zoom meeting will be sent to you by email. It may take a few days.
- You will receive information on both meetings 1 and 2. We would appreciate it if you could attend both.
東京都立大学図書館図書館 日野館 河野・多田・高梨
E-Mail: lib_sd●jmj.tmu.ac.jp(●を@へ変換してください)