前期文献検索ガイダンス開催のお知らせ Guidance session on literature search
Held at the Arakawa Campus using particularly useful literature databases, tips on literature search and keyword selection, among others, will be explained in detail in a hands-on training format.
前期開催ガイダンス一覧 (Adobe PDF210KB)
和文献検索ガイダンス 開催概要 (Adobe PDF250KB)
Guidance session on Japanese literature search
Basic and advanced literature searches using various Japanese literature databases, including the Japanese Medical Abstracts Society Web, CiNii and Medical Online, are explained.
日時:4月23日(火)16:30~17:30(60分)/ 23 April 16:30~17:30
会場:荒川館内コミュニケーションスクエア / Communication Square (Health Science Library)
定員:10名(事前申込制)/ 10 (Application necessary, first-come-first-served)
対象:学内者 / Targets: Members of the university
洋文献検索ガイダンス 開催概要 (Adobe PDF248KB)
① PubMed編
Basic and advanced literature searches using PubMed are explained.
日時:5月15日(水)18:00~19:00(60分)/ 15 May 18:00~19:00
会場:荒川館内コミュニケーションスクエア / Communication Square (Health Science Library)
定員:10名 / 10 (Application necessary, first-come-first-served)
対象:学内者 / Targets: Members of the university
Literature search and research trend analysis using SCOPUS (the world’s largest database of abstracts) are explained.
日時:5月23日(木)16:30~17:30(60分)※ / 23 May 16:30~17:30
会場:情報処理教室1(図書館棟2F)/ CPU room 1 ( Library building 2F)
定員:25名(事前申込制)/ 25 (Application necessary, first-come-first-served)
対象:学内者 / Targets: Members of the university
② CINAHL Plus with Full Text編 ◇
Literature search using CINAHL (a full text database specializing in nursing) is explained. This database is useful for those conducting research in nursing-related fields.
日時:6月18日(火)16:20~17:50(90分)/ 18 June 16:20~17:50
会場:情報処理教室1(図書館棟2F)/ CPU room 1 ( Library building 2F)
定員:25名(事前申込制)/ 25 (Application necessary, first-come-first-served)
対象:学内者 / Targets: Members of the university
- いずれも事前申込制(先着順)です。
- ◇マークの付いたものはデータベース提供元の専任講師による出張講義です。
- Application is necessary (first-come-first-served).
- Events with the symbol ◇ are visiting lectures by a presenter sent by the provider of the database.
E-Mail: lib_hs●jmj.tmu.ac.jp (メールを送信される場合は、●を@に変換してください)
Tel: 03-3819-1211